Dear Valued Customer,
No doubt you’ll have read and seen plenty about the coronavirus/ COVID-19 over the last few weeks and since this pandemic will most likely effect us all to some degree, we felt it was prudent to send out some clear links and advice on the matter in an attempt to protect our customers, our workforce and their families.
We appreciate the important role we play in supporting your business and your customers, hence please be assured that we are taking this responsibility seriously and have contingency plans in place for every eventuality.
If you would like to discuss how we can assist further, be it with your own contingency planning or on the potential impact of any reduced staff availability may have on your business in the coming weeks then please let us know.
Note that this document also has some links to the NI Direct/NHS websites to enable you to get the most up top date information possible, from the most reliable sources.
Advice/ assistance for our workforce
We have issued the guidance to all of our workforce and in the instance of a confirmed case of COVID-19 from any of our temps who have been on assignment with you in the previous 7 days we will inform you immediately.
If you as a business have any specific processes in place for COVID-19, including any hygiene/ handwashing processes/ facilities that you want to communicate with our workforce then please let us know so that we can ensure they are made aware of this immediately.
Click here to see the guidance that we have issued to all of our current workforce
You will notice that have asked them to follow the procedure below if they develop the symptoms but are booked out to work with you.
In the event that a worker cancels for a shift that they are planned to cover, we will liaise with you during this process of getting their assignment covered.
If they develop the symptoms whilst on assignment with you, we have advised them as below.
No doubt you will have a process in place for if a member of your staff develops the symptoms in your working environment, but if you need any advice then the link below has more details – and of course our office will endeavor to assist if required.
Click here to see the most up to date advice on COVID-19 here in NI
Other information regarding Sure Recruitment NI
Each office has implemented very detailed ‘prevention of virus spread’ procedures internally, including monitoring colleagues coming back from overseas travel, or who have been in contact with an affected individual, in line with Government guidelines.
We are still interviewing and recruiting staff; however we have now implemented even tighter processes on cleaning of these areas along with displaying posters and asking visitors to use the hand washing facilities that are on site.
If you do need to come into the office then please feel free to do so, however we will limit the areas of the offices that visitors can access and as you leave if you see us thoroughly cleaning the areas where you were sitting/touching then please do not take offence.
We thank you for your understanding and whilst we’re mostly just passing on the information that is available, if you do have any specific questions relating to this and Sure Recruitment NI then please let us know and we’ll endeavour to help.
Stevie Thompson