Meet … Ross Ferguson

  • What’s your job title? HGV Consultant
  • What’s the best concert you’ve been to? Stone roses Manchester
  • What’s the last book you’ve read? Game of thrones ‘clash of kings
  • What’s your favourite holiday destination? Thailand
  • What’s your favourite food? Beef wellington
  • What’s your favourite movie? Pulp fiction
  • Do you have any hidden talents? Really good at running through things
  • Any hobbies? Rugby
  • Do you have any pets? Yes – storm who’s a Black lab
  • Are you a coffee or tea person? Coffee
  • What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? Vanilla
  • What show are you currently binge-watching or what was the last one you watched? USA office
  • When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Chef
  • What was your favourite subject in school? Business management
  • What’s top of your bucket list? Travel through Vietnam and Cambodia
  • Which historical figure would you most like to meet and why? Julius Cesar – to chat
  • What three items would you take with you to a deserted island? Axe , lighter and dog
  • What’s your idea of a perfect day? going to the rugby drinks and dinner
  • What’s the most random fact you know? Australia is wider than the moon